AIP’s Affiliation & Certification Process
What are AIP’s Services?
If you are searching for a certified practitioner to assist you with your problems, AIP has a FREE practitioner referral service.
Offer Board certification from AIP in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy, and Mental and Emotional Release®.
Offer affiliates an opportunity to participate in an interdisciplinary international organization that promotes wholeness and wellness.
Need professional general liability insurance? Purchase options are available for USA, Puerto Rico, and Canadian residents.
What Types of Certifications Does AIP Offer?
- – Clinical Hypnotist/Hypnotherapist
- – Practitioner of Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy, NLP, or Mental and Emotional Release®
- – Master Practitioner of Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy, NLP, or Mental and Emotional Release®
- – Trainer of Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy or NLP
- – Trainer of Mental and Emotional Release® at the Practitioner Level
- – Trainer of Mental and Emotional Release® at the Master Practitioner Level
- – Master Trainer of NLP

What Is the Difference Between Affiliation and Certification?
Affiliation is being an affiliate of AIP. Being an affiliate is being a member of an organization. Anyone who is interested in the objectives of AIP can become an affiliate of AIP. Cost of affiliation is $75.00 (US) and affiliation is awarded on an annual basis from the time of processing your payment.
Certification is being awarded recognition for completed, AIP approved trainings or for AIP verified trainings by other individuals/organizations. In order to receive AIP certification, an individual must be a current affiliate of AIP. Each standard certification is $125.00 (US), must be renewed annually, and is valid with an active AIP affiliation.
Benefits of Becoming an AIP Affiliate
Ability to participate in an interdisciplinary, international organization supporting the integration of approaches to human behavior and change.
Opportunity to help integrate traditional, complementary, and alternative fields of practice.
Opportunity to gain new knowledge about related modalities.
Option to receive Board Certification by AIP in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy, and other integrative approaches, as a separate certification from any training program.
Free referral service for Master Practitioners, Trainers, Integrative NLP Coaches, and Approved Institutes.
Opportunity to purchase general liability insurance for residents of the USA, Puerto Rico, and Canada.
Updates about what is happening with AIP as well as in the field of Integrative Psychology.
What Are the Requirements and Costs for Affiliation and Certification?
Affiliation Requirement and Cost
– Affiliation is open to all individuals and is on an annual basis.
– Each individual affiliation is $75 (US) per year.
– Currently available in:
- Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
- Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy
- Mental and Emotional Release®
– Must have completed an accelerated Hypnosis training, Practitioner, Master Practitioner or Trainers training at the time of application.
– Must be a current affiliate of AIP.
Schedule of Fees for Certifications
A. Initial Certification Fee – $125 (US) for each certification.
B. Renewal Certification Fee – $125 (US) for each certification valid for one (1) year. Must also pay annual AIP affiliation fee.

Specific Certification Requirements
A. First Time Certifications and Continuous Certifications
– Continuous Certifications – Previously certified through other organization(s) and certifications are still current.
1. If training was from an AIP Approved Institute (see below), please submit the following:
- a. A completed/signed AIP Application Form.
- b. First Time Certifications – A copy of your completion certificate.
- Continuous Certifications – A copy of the most recent, current certification(s).
- c. Payment.
2. If training was not from an AIP Approved Institute, please submit the following:
- a. A completed/signed AIP Application Form.
- b. A copy of the completion certificate(s) that is/are signed by the Trainer or Master Trainer.
- c. A signed affidavit verifying the amount of hours of course work that was received with each modality (this is usually already on the certificate).
- d. May need to submit a copy of your completed proficiency test(s) or, may need to take or pass AIP test(s), or may need to submit proof of Continuing Education Units (CEU’s). [The amount of CEU’s necessary, to be determined by AIP.]
- e. A copy of a governmental identification i.e. drivers license, passport that has an actual notarization. Faxed notarized copies are not acceptable.
- f. Payment.
B. Lapsed Certifications
– Previously certified and certifications are no longer current; expiration dates on the certifications have passed.
1. If training was from an AIP Approved Institute, please submit the following:
- a. A completed/signed AIP Application Form.
- b. A copy of the completion certificate(s) that was/were signed by the Trainer or Master Trainer.
- c. A signed affidavit verifying the amount of hours of course work that was/were received for each modality (this is usually already on the certificate).
d. May need to provide one or more of the following:
- – Proof of Continuing Education Units (CEU’s) [The amount of CEU’s necessary, to be determined by AIP].
- – Written verification that you assisted at an appropriate AIP approved training from an AIP Approved Institute within the previous 12 months.
- – Take and pass the AIP test(s).
2. If training was not from an AIP Approved Institute, please submit the following:
- a. A completed/signed AIP Application Form.
- b. A copy of the completion certificate(s) that was/were signed by the Trainer or Master Trainer.
- c. A signed affidavit verifying the amount of hours of course work received in your training(s) (this is usually already on your certificate).
- d. Current contact information for the training institute or trainer.
- e. May need to submit a copy of your completed proficiency test(s) or, may need to take and pass AIP test(s), or may need to submit proof of Continuing Education Units (CEU’s). [The amount of CEU’s necessary, to be determined by AIP.]
- f. A copy of a governmental identification i.e. drivers license, passport that has an actual notarization. Faxed notarized copies are not acceptable.
- g. Payment.
C. Re-Certifications
What Is an AIP Approved Institute Certification?
An AIP Approved Institute (AI) is an AIP approved, certified Trainer who is awarded certification recognition for having a training curriculum and testing that meets or exceeds AIP standards. These AI’s are required to have their curriculum and testing periodically reviewed to make sure that their information remains as current as possible and that they still meet or exceed AIP standards.

Benefits of Becoming an AIP Approved Institute
Your graduates can easily become Board certified by AIP because your training(s) is/are pre-approved and you have already verified their identity. Your graduates only need to send in to AIP a copy of their completion certificate from you, a completed AIP application form, and payment.
You only pay one (1) affiliation fee annually since AIP is one (1) organization that offers certifications in several modalities.
AIP operates as if it is a not-for-profit organization. Therefore, we do not market or endorse trainings to your graduates. Your graduate database remains your own.
We do not provide affiliation referral fees to training companies so that AIP's certification process can remain as objective as possible.
Cost for Approved Institute Certification(s)
Approved Institute (AI) Certification is $100 annually.

How to Become an AIP Approved Institute?
You must be a current affiliate of AIP.
You must be AIP certified in each of the training modalities as a Trainer or Master Trainer and this/these certification(s) must be current.
Submit for approval a copy of your standards, your course outline, and any testing material with answers that you give to your students.
Submit a completed/signed AIP AI Application Form.

Training With AIP Approved Institutes
Benefits of Taking Trainings From An AIP Approved Institute
Easier certification process with AIP. You need to only complete and submit a few items for certification.
Proof of your identity has already been verified by your AIP Certified Approved Institute, so proof of this is not necessary for AIP.
Your training material is as up-to-date as possible.
AIP Certified Trainers follow a strict Code of Ethics.
Get In Touch
At AIP, we strive to make your experience the best possible. Call us at 1-877-935-0247. We are happy to answer any questions you may have regarding certification. Our office is located in Las Vegas, NV. Hours of operation are from 4 am to 2 pm PT. Monday through Thursday, holidays excluded.